Scan Processing
Whether it's bones, teeth, worn parts or on-machine process verification, the real world is being scanned, scanned and scanned again.
But sometimes it seems that making those scans useful is harder than you thought. Remember that expensive scanner you bought? It works really well and the scans are beautiful, but does your workflow still have problems?
Polygonica is a software library with an API that provides a low-level set of tools. Using these tools you can quicky build a custom scan to manufacture workflow, tailored specifically for your purposes and goals.
Polygonica supports a variety of methods for creating a mesh from point cloud data:
- Direct meshing of multiple points sets from a point cloud
- Meshing of a point cloud using surface fitting
- Fast meshing of striped point data
- Surface creation from very sparse point data
and for layered scan data such as DICOM and CT scans
- Interpolated meshing from stacked slice data
- Fast meshing from dense slice data
Polygonica supports a wide range ways to improve the created mesh:
- Curvature sensitive hole-filling
- Denoising and edge imprinting
- Boundary smoothing and enhancement
- Surface smoothing and fairing
- Trimming
- Tolerance-based decimation
- Quality-based remeshing
- Primitive surface fitting
- Automatic mesh healing
Polygonica supports a range of advanced feature-based registration and alignment options for meshes, point clouds and point sets, along with global and local options and prioritisation of selected regions.
And finally, Polygonica has a wide range of operations for direct mesh modelling and preparation of meshes for manufacture, described elsewhere on the website.
You can read more about Polygonica for scan processing in various articles on the Polygonica blog:
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