CAE remeshers and solvers can be very sensitive to the quality of input meshes. The Polygonica libraries provide the a range of operations for preparing meshes for optimal CAE processing. Polygonica is used by leading CAE software such as ANSYS Discovery, Simscale and Converge Studio to perform a range of operations prior to CAE mesh generation.
Polygonica's automatic mesh healing wins benchmark after benchmark and is widely regarded as amongst the best in the business. Tolerance-based decimation and quality-based remeshing can be used to refine not only the entire mesh, but also to improve quality locally, in critical regions such as the high curvature edges of a turbine blade.
Surface and feature detection can select small features for defeaturing, including holes, pockets and imprinted text and labels. After removal, gaps are seamlessly filled using curvature sensitive hole-filling. Thin regions that taper to a sharp edge can be thickened using Polygonica's powerful mesh Boolean engine.
Gluing provides a 'fuzzy' Boolean union, designed to ensure clean joins where two surface are supposed to meet exactly, but due to differences in tessellation, or poor surface modelling, they don't.
Shrinkwrapping provides a way to make sense of 'triangle soups' from the wild, such as is commonly found in AEC, BIM and cityscape geometry. For CFD analysis, automatic healing resolves issues with inter-penetrating assemblies, so that internal volumes can be identified for flow analysis, whilst shrinkwrap categorises external from internal surfaces allow tunnel geometry to be identified and extracted.
Polygonica is an ideal tool for tidying the results of CAE-based topology optimisation prior to reverse engineering, mesh modelling or print preparation. Surface smoothing and advanced denoising can remove agressive high amplitude noise and curve smoothing improves the quality of the boundaries where the topology optimised result meets the original CAD part. Edge-blending adds radial fillets to smooth the sharp boundaries introduced by uniting sub-regions created using different geometric representations and techniques.
Visit the Polygonica blog to learn more about using Polygonica for mesh defeaturing, or how CONVERGE deals with dirty meshes using Polygonica.
Polygonica inside ANSYS SpaceClaim
As well as providing a huge range of direct CAD modelling features, ANSYS SpaceClaim excels at working with meshes. Whether you are preparing mesh models for 3D printing, reverse engineering scan data efficiently or defeaturing meshs for CAE simulation, Spaceclaim has the tools you need.
Polygonica is the most robust and powerful mesh library available, and combined with SpaceClaim's solid modelling tools complex simulation workflows are made easy. Developing fast robust polygon-based algorithms is the Polygonica team's core expertise. As part of MachineWorks Ltd we've been doing it continually for over thirty years.
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