Hybrid Manufacturing
Polygonica's sister toolkit, MachineWorks, is the leading technology for material removal and clash detection for CNC machine tools.
Developed since 1994 MachineWorks is used inside the majority of leading CAM systems. Licensed together, they provide a powerful solution for enhancing a variety of multi-axis additive and subtractive workflows.
If you are developing path planning or CAM sofware, Polygonica extends the range of data you can work with, combining feature-based registration and alignment, automatic healing, Booleans and 3D polycurve manipulation to allow toolpaths to be created in regions or volumes constrained by as-measured information from scan-data.
Using MachineWorks you can rapidly and accurately simulate the results from the paths you have generated, whether that is multi-axis robot additive or hybrid CNC with both additive and subtractive operating on the same machine tool.
As well as providing your customers with a useful simulation, MachineWorks supports powerful sweep-based collision detection, sychronised for multiple moving parts, ensuring your paths can be running safely on the machine.
MachineWorks is also used to generate in-process stock models, which can then be compared with the design part to create constrained regions for rest-machining or additive repair operations. Successive paths are then generated in the regions where they are needed.
MachineWorks' in-process stock computations will soon be available on the GPU, allowing you to compute and analyse the results of different paths in seconds or less, even for complex 5 axis operations.
The innovative sweep-based collision detection that powers MachineWorks' machine and robot simulations is both exteremely fast and accurate, as it relies on continuous sweeps, not time-sampling. It can be used to rapidly explore multiple different paths and scenarios. Systems that seek to automate path-planning, whether it be inspection plans for metrology, or AI-guided CAM toolpaths selection, can benefit greatly from the decision testing that MachineWorks provides.
MecSoft uses both MachineWorks and Polygonica
All material removal simulation and rendering in VisualCAM for SOLIDWORKS is driven by MachineWorks libraries, from simple 2-1/2 axis to full 5-axis indexed milling, helping customers making parts. The family of Visual products offer an intuitive combined user interface for CAD and CAM, fully associative toolpath updates, and a wide variety of post processors.
Visual3DPRINT® is a plug-in that MecSoft Corporation created which runs inside the VisualCAD modeler. This product offers efficient, easy & automatic tools for preparing 3D data ready for 3D printing. The seamless combination of VisualCAD’s modeling and extensive file import functionality with Visual3DPRINT’s data preparation tools enables the user to 3D print models from almost any input source and any major 3D format. The libraries used inside Visual3DPRINT for mesh healing are Polygonica libraries.
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