Polygonica provides tools to both remesh a solid to improve the quality of a mesh, and also to simplify a solid by reducing the number of triangles in the mesh.
The remesh functionality in Polygonica can be used to substantially improve the quality of an unsatisfactory mesh containing long and thin triangles. Polygonica is able to modify the faceting of such meshes to obtain near to perfect (equilateral) triangles while maintaining the overall shape and features of the original model. Improved mesh quality is vital in ensuring robustness in algorithms commonly used in fields such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) or Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Simplification can reduce the complexity of a 3D model by reducing its polygon count to a requested number of triangles. Polygonica maintains the shape of a model to a specified tolerance while preserving significant features of the model and guaranteeing that the simplified model lies on or outside the surface of the original model. Polygonica’s simplification algorithms include preserving boundaries between faces with different sets of attributes.
Shrink-wrapping removes internal detail and can produce a close-fitting watertight envelope around arbitrary geometry including sparse point datasets. Other uses include generating proxy level of detail meshes for use in VR/AR and accelerating clash detection by providing a tighter envelope than is possible with convex hulls.
Gluing allows parts that don’t quite connect to be joined without gaps. This can overcome issues when unioning parts with surfaces that are intended to be coincident but aren’t quite, either due to issues with modelling or because of differences in how each surface is tessellated
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