Add Polygonica to your CAD products to help bridge that gap between design and manufacturing.
Polygonica's mesh algorithms have been continually developed, tested, widely used and improved since in 1994, initially as part of the MachineWorks CNC simulation and verification engine. Now Polygonica is a leading brand in its own right, its mesh operations are continually being improved year on year, as OEMs and manufacturers in CAM, Additive and CAE push mesh after mesh through the system.
Give your customers the power to work directly with meshes inside your system when they need to, without forcing them to switch to alternate software to solve the problems in front of them. Whether they want to:
- mesh a point cloud,
- thicken a complex sheet model,
- unite a huge complex assembly when other systems crash out,
- correctly glue together surfaces that should meet but don't quite
- smooth sharp joins by adding blends and fillets
- or just automagically heal a bad mesh to make downstream operations achievable,
integrating Polygonica will give your customers a world of options they don't currently have.
Scan-to-manufacture workflows
Polygonica excels at scan to manufacture workflows, whether it be additive repair, mesh preparation for reverse-engineering or computation of rest machining based on live scan data. Polygonica has a full pipeline for converting point clouds to meshes, a variety of advanced feature-based alignment and registration tools, detection of primitive surfaces and features on dumb meshes, and quite simply the best mesh modelling tools in the business.
Data reduction for faster CAM simulation
If your goal is to ensure your machine tool, robot printer or other complex multi-axis machine is going to operate without clashes then Polygonica has a range of tools to make your mesh models lighter weight and run faster, without compromising the accuracy needed for safe operation. Shrinkwrap removes internal geometry and creates a tight external wrapper within a specified, tolerance. Tolerance-based decimation/simplification reduces polygons whilst ensuring the result is within tolerance and suitable for conservative clash detection. Surface detection, feature detection and advanced hole filling power interactive mesh defeaturing that allows the user to quickly remove small features that aren't important for clash simulation but that contain lots of geometry that slows everything down.
Path planning and toolpath generation
Polygonica has a range of operations to assist with planar and multi-axis tool path planning. Polygonica's mesh offsetting is not voxel-based and consequently can be orders of magnitude faster than equivalent systems. Automatic healing and CAD-face remeshing fix low quality input ensuring downstream algorithms have fewer problems and achieve higher quality results. Fast generation of intersection curves facilitates non-planar slicing whilst curve-surface offsetting and curve-mesh Booleans greatly simplifies creation of multi-axis offset toolpaths.
Cimatron/E, SpaceClaim and Polygonica
Cimatron/E and ANSYS SpaceClaim are advanced CAD modellers built with a focus on manufacturing. Both systems have extended the scope and quality of mesh operations available to their customers by integrating Polygonica.
Working with polygon meshes is the core business of MachineWorks Ltd, and we've been focused on it week in, week out, for over thirty years.
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