The videos below provide an introduction to different functionality in Polygonica.
They are recorded live, although in some cases you will see the banner 'sequence shortened' in the top right. Timings for most operations are visible in the status bar.
The user interface shown in these videos, PolygonicaDemo, is purely for demonstrating the libaries and is not available for sale.
Please visit the Polygonica YouTube page and the Polygonica Blog for up to date videos and dicscussions of new features and functionality as it becomes available.
Automatic healing, heatmap, slicing.
A quick introduction to Polygonica's automated healing. Also shows using heatmaps to display differences between the healed part and the original, and a very simple simple demonstration of Polygonica's slicing.
Healing - removing self-intersections
Using Polygonica's advanced self-intersection removal engine to heal a 100Mb binary STL represent a lattice structure of beams and nodes.
Decimation, hollowing and offsetting
Tolerance based decimation, healing, hollowing and offsetting on an mesh generated from an entire Solidworks assembly of a motorbike.
Foldover detection and removal
Detecting and fixing foldovers in meshes. Small foldovers in mesh geometry can cause problems for downstream operations such as CAE simulation and slicing.
Sheet thickening
Polygonica's advanced offsetting supports market leading sheet-thickening. In this video a car body panel is first decimated, then thickened to a constant thickness. The operation takes a few seconds using Polygonica.
Polygonica offers a wide range of surface remeshing options, including curvature sensitive, exact shape and remesh of selected regions.
Surface detection, feature detection, denoising
A quick introduction to Polygonica's surface and feature detection to identify shapes like cylinders and holes on meshes. Denoising is a powerful function that rapidly smooths surfaces from noisy laser scan data, reintroducing sharp edges where they have been rounded due to the scanning process.
Shrinkwrap is a powerful function with many different uses. This short demonstration uses shrinkwrap to remove internal data from a CATIA assembly, which is then simplified to create an effective Level-of-detail to speed up graphical display.
Creating a diamond lattice using multi-Boolean union.
The multi-Boolean union function unions an entire scene, including instances, together in a single optimised operation. In this demonstration a part is hollowed out and filled with an internal lattice structure based on an explicit mesh.
Creating a gyroid lattice using multiple Boolean union
Another example of multi-Boolean union based on creating a lattice starting from a small gyroid mesh.
Loading the 3MF Beam Lattice Extension
A demonstration of how to use multi-union and world slicing to load 3MF files that define beams and nodes using the 3MF Beam Lattice extension. In the first part the explicit mesh is created using multi-Boolean union. In the second example the data is sliced during loading using world slicing, without ever creating the explicit mesh.
Mesh registration and alignment
Examples of using Polygonica to align meshes which are in different coordinate systems.
Refining alignment based on selected region.
Alignment of meshes can be further refined based on a selected region.
Deformation compensation for additive manufacturing.
Deformation compensation modifies the mesh to compensate for distortions during the Additive Manufacturing process. In this example a distortion field is computed by comparing two meshes, and this is then applied in the reverse direction to provide a compensation.
3D medial Axis
The medial axis of a solid is the set of points inside the solid which have more than one closest point on the boundary of the solid. This is sometimes referred to as the skeleton of the solid. 3D medial axis can be useful in a number of algorithms including midsurface computation for CAE simulation.