Boolean Operations
Polygonica’s powerful engine can perform Boolean operations quickly, accurately and robustly.
Operations such as union, subtraction and intersection can be applied to open or closed solids.
The Boolean algorithm is particularly optimised for situations where multiple Boolean operations are carried out consecutively on a single solid. First developed in 1994 and extensively updated and improved to cope with new demands and developments in computer hardware, Polygonica's Boolean engine is incredibly robust, making operations such as subtraction, union and intersection fast and accurate.
It is possible to concatenate two solids together, which simply adds the vertices and faces of a second solid to the first solid.
A solid can be sectioned by removing all the material to one side of a specified plane. This is equivalent to doing a Boolean subtraction using an object that represents the plane.
As well as splitting a solid using a section plane, Polygonica supports splitting of one solid using another solid. This is equivalent to doing a Boolean intersection operation simultaneously with a Boolean subtraction.
Gluing allows parts that don’t quite connect to be joined without gaps. This can overcome issues when unioning parts with surfaces that are intended to be coincident but aren’t quite, either due to issues with modelling or because of differences in how each surface is tessellated.
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